Bruno's How To Be Popular With The Chicks

There are lots of ways to be popular with the chicks. If you wanna know how then just ask Bruno the dog. He knows exactly how to be a popular guy among the girls.

First you must get to know the girl really well. Get to know her likes her dislikes and you must let her feel as if she was the queen of this world.

Second, you must give her the space she needs. You must show your confidence in her anytime she needs it.

Third, you must have lots of fun with her. Always take out time for her every now and then from your busy schedule.

Last but not the least, get friendly with her friends. Make them feel comfortable. Let her enjoy with her friends. Don't judge the friends by their looks.

Think this is too much to do. Well maybe Bruno is right or may be its just a chick who wouldn't budge from his face. Hahaahaaaahhaha

  Deepali Nemade

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