Artist' s Rendition General Francisco Pancho Villa Wanted Sign

For sale today I have an Artist's Rendition General Francisco Pancho Villa Wanted Sign. This item is a nice piece of historical mixed medium art. It features a modified Wanted Poster of the renowned Mexican Revolutionary General Francisco Pancho Villa on a Wooden Board which is ready to be hung. Screwed into the board is a rustic style horseshoe. The piece measures 20 inches tall, 15 inches wide, and 1/2 an inch deep.

This piece is very neat and makes for excellent conversation. I am asking $100 for this fine piece of Mexican Art, however, I am willing to consider any reasonable offer.

Pancho Villa, so the saying goes, was "hated by thousands and loved by millions." He was a Robin Hood to many and a cruel, cold-blooded killer to others. Pancho Villa was a natural leader and was very successful as a bandit, leading raids on towns, killing, and looting. He was also involved in more legitimate ventures, including being a contractor on the Copper Canyon railroad.

In 1910, when the Mexican Revolution broke out, Villa was recruited by the revolutionary leader, Abraham Gonzalez. Villa put together an army of armed cowboys and ruffians and became the revolutionary general who led the war in the northern part of Mexico. His charisma and victories made him an idol of the masses. In 1916, when an American merchant refused to deliver the arms to Villa's army which they had paid him for, Villa entered the United States and raided the town of Columbus, New Mexico. He was pursued by General "Black Jack" Pershing through the mountains of the State of Chihuahua. Pershing's pursuit of Villa ended in failure, causing him to telegraph back to Washington that "Villa is everywhere, but Villa is nowhere."

The war ended in 1920, and many attempts were made on Villa's life by relatives of persons he had killed. On July 20, 1923, while driving his car through the town on Parral, Chihuahua, he was assasinated. The men responsible were never identified.

This item comes from a smoke-free home and pet free home. Cash only, pickup only.

If you have any questions please contact me at (Eight-Four-Five) 430-3197
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