5'6" Single Wing Twinzer Fish SurfBoard By Larry Mabile
Brand new! Ridden once!
5'6" Single wing Twinzer Fish. Third World Exotic hand shaped by Larry Mabile.
6/4 deck / 6 bottom
Bright Red bottom, Dirty laps/White deck. Comes with hand made set of Black Fiberglass Twinzer Fins by Jack Jensen (Fin Man).
Board should sell itself if you locally know SD...
Call or text with any questions
Justin 619 203-9902
5'6" Single wing Twinzer Fish. Third World Exotic hand shaped by Larry Mabile.
6/4 deck / 6 bottom
Bright Red bottom, Dirty laps/White deck. Comes with hand made set of Black Fiberglass Twinzer Fins by Jack Jensen (Fin Man).
Board should sell itself if you locally know SD...
Call or text with any questions
Justin 619 203-9902
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 29755