Collin Farrell - Loses his Shirt After Yoga in Los Angeles

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Colin Farrell was in attendance at a yoga class on Monday (June 3) in Los Angeles.

Sweaty after his workout, the “Total Recall” hunk went sans shirt as he chatted with a classmate on the way back to his vehicle.

Recently, the former Hollywood bad boy spoke with reporters about his role as the voice of the character Ronin in the animated flick “Epic.”

On the departure from his usual roles, Colin said “I just want to mix it up. Maybe I'm getting older, softening up, but really I just want to mix it up with work. And you go off really what sort of opportunities are presented to you.”

He continued, “I think, you know unless you go and write something and make something yourself. But, if you're an actor who's being hired you readwhatever comes across your path and sometimes you notice the majority of the stuff might be this way tonally. And maybe that means you should shift a bit.”

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