"Harper’s Bazaar" Faces Backlash from Kate Upton’s Baby Animal Pictorial

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During a recent photo shoot for Harper’s Bazaar magazine, Kate Upton stirred up controversy by posing with a few furry friends.

In the pictorial titled “The Animal Nursery,” Kate Upton stunner struck a few poses with baby endangered animals.

PETA provided a statement to Fashionista criticizing the mags use of animals as accessories, stating, “The gibbon featured in the photographs is an infant and should be with his mother at all times. Besides the emotional trauma that he has undoubtedly suffered as a result of the separation, his delicate immune system is still developing, and he is susceptible to illnesses that humans carry.”

“All the animals in the photographs are endangered and should be protected, rather than being treated like props.”

Despite the approaching criticism, Miss Upton tweeted a picture from the shoot with the caption, “Cuddling with my favorite tiger :)”


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