Olivia Wilde - Big Apple Dog Walker

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Kicking off her week with a spot of exercise, Olivia Wilde took her pet pooch for a jaunt around Manhattan this afternoon (4/8/2013).

Joined by a guy pal, the soon-to-be Mrs. Jason Sudeikis donned sunglasses along with a pink sweater and green trousers as she led her fluffy white Fido up the sidewalk.

Back in March, Olivia weighed in on Justin Bieber’s shirtless antics while on our in London, England, tweeting, “Bieber, put your f***ing shirt on. (unless you lost all your shirts in a fire in which case my condolences and please purchase a new shirt).”

Since then, she’s received some pretty harsh feedback from Justin’s fans. She recently told press, "I'm going to get attacked with acid, someone's going to throw acid in my face. If that happens there are 35 million Beliebers that did it, so find them."

Olivia continued, "You know, it's something I'd say to my to my little brother, and I probably have said it. You know, just, 'put your shirt on. It's cold out there.' I meant it with all the love in the world. It's pretty much the funniest thing that's ever happened to me, because my twitter feed is filled with the most hilarious abuse."

  Eliy Smith

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