Seven Tips So You Can Avoid Wedding Day Disasters

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1. Bring your own nail polish to the salon that does your manicure and remember to bring it with you to the wedding site, just in case you need to do a touch up.

2. Choose a lip color that won't wash you out while you are dressed in all white. Be sure to buy a long lasting lipstick and set it with powder when finished.

3. Choose make-up and a hair-style that is you and too far from who you really are. Also, it is a good idea to have the stylist try the hair-style weeks before to see if you really like it.

4. To get rid of fly-aways, keep a thick lip gloss in your purse and apply and to those areas to tame them.

5. Keep little cloth packets of Spray n Wash handy for small accidents on clothes.

6. Apply bandages to blister prone spots before you get blisters.

7. Here is a great tip if you are afraid that a pimple will make a sudden unwanted appearance the day of the wedding:
Gently wash the area with cool water and foaming cleanser, pat it dry, and ice it to reduce swelling. Then, get out the Windex, spray it onto your fingertip, and gently pat it onto the affected area. Repeat the ice and glass cleaner trick every hour until makeup time, no one will see a thing.

  Janet Urciuoli

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