The Human Face: 100,000 Years From Now

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Large forehead? Check. Creepy and bizarre eyes? Present.
Gah. Words can't even describe how weird we think this is.

Ladies and Gentlemen, behold, the majestic human being 100,000 years from. Apparently, after evolving for 100,000 years in order to adapt to the changes around us, the future generation of humans would possess these kind of changes.

According to artist and researcher Nickolay Lamm and his computer geneticist partner, we would be able to master the science of zygotic genome engineering technology or the ability to control our evolution of suit our needs. If you're familiar with Darwin's Theory of Evolution, then you would understand this more.

While it's true that humans have evolved over the thousands of years that we've existed, there's still no concrete proof that we would turn out this way. However, Lamm's belief isn't merely a make-believe. Sometime in the future, the next generations would need to adapt themselves.

Who knows? Maybe we'll develop the ability to breathe without oxygen.

  Katherine Bridgerton

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