The Last Living Man on Earth

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What does it feel to live for more than a hundred years? How do you think would it feel if you were named as the last living man on Earth born from the 19th century?

For 116 year old Jiroemon Kimura of Kyotango, Japan, being the oldest man on Earth has its perks. For one, you get to see the evolution of mankind in the span of 100 years. From the time when computers didn't even exist to when space travel became possible, Kimura was there to witness it firsthand and not just from history books.

It sounds like immortality to us. For some experts, they believe that genetics has something to do with being a supercentenarian (one who lives for more than 110 years). Most of them are females and scientists speculate that having two chromosomes may give you longer life.

  Katherine Bridgerton

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