Video Game Community Also Misses Tom Clancy

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It is very rare that a single pop icon will have a deep-rooted, profound, and highly-prized impact on today’s multiple media. Tom Clancy is one of those.

Having passed away October first due to causes yet to be announced, the celebrated author first dominated the literary scene with his gripping Cold War espionage novels riddled with extraordinary attention to military details and technicality, racking over 100 million copies in print, 17 of which are best-sellers.

In these novels, Clancy also created his seminal character, Jack Ryan, a CIA Operative who often find himself in the hearts of conspiracies and deception that threatens national and global security, only to fearlessly battle them.

These novels soon found their way to the celluloid with five movie adaptations headlined by Hollywood’s biggest actors including Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Afflect, and just recently, Chris Pine.

And in the mid-90s, having co-founded the video game developer Red Storm Entertainment, Clancy also tried his hands on the still young media, and brought forth three of the most popular games of the action/espionage genre ever, the “Rainbow Six”, “Ghost Recon”, and “Splinter Cell” series. Each one garnered multiple accolades and huge fan-bases. Not to mention, had become major influences in the military- and espionage-themed games of today.

With Tom Clancy gone, no one is quite sure what directions will these series head toward. But one thing is clear, the military science author from Baltimore had earned a place among gaming enthusiasts' hearts, garnering their respect with his masterful attention to detail, plot, and technicalities.

Now more than ever, bookworms, movie fans, and video game aficionados are sharing one common predicament, they all miss Tom Clancy, and will always have his legacies treasured.


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