10 Seashell Craft Ideas

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1. Beach vacation memory jar.
2. Decorate a sturdy cardboard box or a wooden box to make a jewelry box.
3. Glue shells around the frame of a mirror or a photo frame to decorate.
4. Glue shells inside of a memory box from a craft store and hang.
5. Use as decorations on wreaths.
6. Pour sand from the beach in a mason jar and add a few shells on the inside and the outside. The outside shells could hang from twine wrapped around the lid.
7. Use bigger shells as a candle holder. Pour melted wax in them and add a wick.
8. Use a Christmas ornaments or on Christmas wreaths.
9. Fill a clear glass lamp with collected shells.
10. Use bigger shells, starfish or sponges as sit arounds in kitchen, bathroom or living areas.

  Janet Urciuoli

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