5 Craft Ideas for Kids Using Crayons

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1. Completely color every inch of a piece of white construction paper with at lease 5 colors, pushing hard on the crayon. Cover completely over the first layer of crayon with a black or a dark crayon, pushing hard. Use something sharp like the end of a paper clip or a blunt scissors to draw a scene. The colors in the first layer will show through and be very vibrant.

2. Take a sheet of sandpaper and using old crayons, color a scene on the sandy side.

3. Take a white sheet of construction paper and color a scene using vibrant colors, pushing hard on the crayon. Be sure to leave a lot of uncolored areas. Water down some tempera paint, stir, and using a brush, paint over the whole scene from one side to the other, starting at the top and moving your way down. Don't keep brushing over the colored areas. The paint should only stick to the uncolored areas. This is called a crayon resist.

4. Paint a scene with watercolor crayons on white construction paper leaving very little white paper untouched. While the paper is still wet, sprinkle salt lightly over the whole painting. It will look glittery or snowy when dry. This is particulary good for winter snow scenes.

5. Take a sheet of paper, preferably white, and lay it on top of a surface with some texture. Remove the paper from and old crayon, turn it on its side, and rub over the whole paper. The surface under the paper will show through. This is especially good to do tombstone rubbings.

  Janet Urciuoli

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