Afghanistan Revisited: The US - Indigenous Rebels (Syria) Relations

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Afghanistan Revisited: The US - Indigenous Rebels (Syria) Relations

Less than 10 hours ago US President Barack Obama has just given the "go ahead" signal to the Department of Defense to smuggle weapons into Syria. These weapons would be used by Syrian opposition forces that have been trying to depose Syrian President Bashar Assad for quite some time now. Obama's reason behind the decision was due to the CIA's confirmation of Assad's military using chemical weapons against the rebels, which the Obama administration had previously mentioned that they are strongly oppose to. Earlier this year US forces in Iraq had been called back home to allow the new democratic Iraqi government to thrive and Obama also mentioned that he will let the "boys" in Afghanistan go home soon as well. But with the crisis in Syria ever more escalating it will just be a matter of time before the United States will send military intervention and there's also the problem with Russia supposedly shipping S-300 suface-to-air missiles to Syria as part of their arms deal. It draws big implications on the US-Russia relations should Russia become adamant in defending Assad's leadership, which could lead into a more serious conflict than what the US is trying to accomplish here, even though it is highly unlikely.

This reminds me of the days when the US helped the Taliban rebels in Afghanistan to fend off the Russian aggression during the cold war. With the US deploying its missile shield in Turkey and Russia successfully testing its new ballistic missile supposedly capable of penetrating the American missile shield; are we looking at a new cold war between US and Russia?

Will the weapons stockpiling repeat? Will the war factories be set ablaze once more to conjure even more diabolical and fearsome weapons of mass destruction? I sincerely hope that these muscle-flexing of these superpowers will not lead to unwanted conflict. I hope more peace-loving people will run for office and serve the public interest instead of those who would see us to our ruin.

Marlon Dequito  Marlon Dequito