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For all the book worms here, we all know how this feels. When we immerse ourselves in the world of the books that we read, we often tend to lose touch of reality and are consumed by the escape that the realms of these books provide. We live in fiction, in fantasy. We embark on adventures. We make new friends and we inherit enemies along the way. We travel to places we never knew existed, we meet creatures and encounter cultures entirely different from ours. We fear adversity but we somehow muster the courage to overcome it. We fulfill our dreams, and we live the great script of fictional life. Then, the story ends. We're left with no choice but to return to reality. We lose our friends, our enemies, our adventures, our triumphs, our achievements; but we never lose our memories, our emotions, and our lessons. This is the power of books. You lose sight of what's real and what's not... but sometimes, that's okay.

  Jet Luga

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