"The Internship," co-stars Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson share the screen with a somewhat demanding co-star: Google.
The comedy, is about two middle-age watch salesmen who overcome career obsolescence and a complete lack of tech savvy to join Google's internship program in hopes of scoring a job at the giant tech company.
Google's campus in Mountain View, California, is shown as an idyllic place where employees blow off steam playing volleyball (true), riding bikes (true) and enjoying delicious free food (also true). Google products appear frequently and favorably throughout the movie, co-founder Sergey Brin makes a cameo appearance, and the company's mission is unquestioningly depicted as doing good in the world.
Google allowed the film's cast and crew to shoot for five days at the Googleplex headquarters, using 100 real Google employees as extras. The company also provided props and consulted with the director, actors and script writers on what it's like to be a "Googler" (a Google employee).