fine granulated sugar, salt, or brown sugar
oil, extra virgin coconut oil, baby oil, olive oil, etc.
a bowl or jar
essential oils, optional
loofah mitts
Salt or sugar can be used, but sugar is gentler on the skin, just choose a sugar or salt that has small granules that won't tear at skin. A basic table salt or sugar works wonderfully, as well.If you have super sensitive skin, you might use a dark brown sugar.
Choose an oil. You can use baby oil or any of the following: organic extra virgin coconut oil, almond oil, safflower, vegetable.
Use 1 part oil to 2 parts sugar or salt. Place anywhere from a few tablespoons to a cup of salt or sugar in a container. Place half that amount of oil. Mix with a spoon often. It won't stay mixed.
Use 5 drops of an essential oil in the mixture and stir with a spoon.
Step into a bath tub and put on loofah mitts.
Take a spoonful of the mixture into your palms or your gloves and rub the mixture all over your body in a circular motion. For tougher areas such as the knees, soles and elbows, spend extra scrubbing time or cut a lemon in half and pour sea salt on the halves, scrubbing your soles, elbows and knees with the lemon. On places like the chest, neck, and stomach, where the skin is thinner, take it easy with the scrubbing and instead use cleanser on a washcloth to exfoliate. If you feel the salt is too harsh on your skin, rinse off the bath mitts and then spoon only the oil onto the mitts to continue.
Rinse thoroughly. Pat skin dry.
**This scrub has oil that can build up on the bathtub bottom. Be sure to clean it up so the next person who gets in doesn't fall.