Homemade Glow-In-The-Dark Bubbles

* 1 cu. water
* 1 tbl. Dawn dish soap
* 1 tsp. glycerin
* straw or bubble wand
* 1 clean glove or sock - to keep the bubble from popping
* 2 tbl. Water Based Glow in the Dark Paint

If you know that you have Hard or Soft water you will need to use distilled water instead. If you have nice spring water that isn't loaded with chemicals or minerals, use your tap water.

Glycerin can be found in the pharmacy section of most big box stores. It's relatively cheap and lasts forever.

Mix water, dish soap and glycerin in a jar until well combined, divide in half into 2 jars. Add 1 tbl. Water Based Glow paint to each jar to make 2 different colors and mix well. Cover and let jars set for 24 hours before using.

Place jar in the sunlight if possible several hours before blowing bubbles. Enjoy!

  Janet Urciuoli

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