How to lose 85 lbs in 8 months!

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See that guy up there? That's me. I went from being a morbidly obese 280-pound 20 year old to a 195-pound 21 year old. In a span of 8 months, I've burned off 85 lbs worth of fat. Before I tell you about how I did it, let me tell you about the version of me on the left side of the photo. That guy had no regard for what he looked like. He ate whatever the hell he wanted and how much of whatever the hell he wanted. He smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. He had very little physical activity because he was always consumed by his work. Yup, that's the kind of person I used to be. I ordered McDonald's everyday because it was convenient (in my place, McDonald's has a delivery service). I ate processed foods because they were easier to cook. I ate all kinds of street food because they were cheap. I didn't have a care in the world about nutrients, calorie-counts, saturated fats or protein. As long as it tasted good and kept me full, I would eat it.

My smoking was what kept me sane. My cigarettes made me happy and I thought it helped me focus on my work more. It gave me a false sense of clarity. So I consumed more and more sticks as work started to pile up. I was the picture of the perfect unhealthy man.

I finally graduated from University and moved back to my hometown. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't want to get a job yet. I decided, if I was going to move on in life. I had to fix myself; and that started with my physical appearance. I needed to lose weight. Here's how I did it:

1. Quit The Bad Habits

Fast food? Forget it. Cigarettes? Throw them out. The first step to becoming the new you is to get rid of the old you. I cut out all unhealthy products of my life. I haven'y had a cigarette since that day I looked in the mirror. I stopped eating simple sugars, fast-food, processed meats and all forms of junk. And I stopped being lazy. Simple things like walking around the house every now and then helps. Stop lying on your ass and get up and do something.

2. Join A Gym

Obviously, to lose weight, we all know that we need to exercise. Yes, you can workout or exercise at home but the community in the gym is always helpful. There are people there that can help you design a workout regimen that caters to your physical capabilities and schedule. Plus, these people are there to help motivate you as well and to make sure that you're on the right path. A support system is very important in losing weight and the gym is just that.

3. Do Cardio. LOTS OF IT.

Now that you've cut out all the bad stuff of your life and are ready to get to work at the gym, here's what you're supposed to be doing first. The first and primary means of losing weight is by doing cardiovascular exercises. Remember, all throughout the day, your body is constantly burning fat. You're just not burning a lot of fat. However, getting your heart rate up to an uncomfortable pace will speed up the fat burning process. This is done through cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running, jumping, etc.

4. Build Muscle

Although doing cardio is an effective means of burning fat, it's not sustainable if it's done alone. You need that extra boost of energy and metabolism to be able to maintain your weight loss regimen. This is why you need to build muscles. Muscles can serve as fuel for your body to help you lose weight. The bigger your muscle mass, the better your metabolism will be. You can build your muscle mass by doing strength and resistance training exercises. Pair 45 minutes-1 hour of cardio 3 times a week with 1-2 hours of strength/resistance training 3 times a week, you'll be a fat-burning machine.

5. Watch The Diet. Count The Calories.

Exercise alone won't be enough to fuel your weight loss. You have to be smart about the things you put in your mouth. Go for food that are high in protein and high in fiber. These foods will help you fuel your metabolism. Eliminate sugary foods like white rice and white bread. Wheat bread and brown rice are healthy carbohydrate alternatives. Watching what you eat isn't enough though, you have to be able to count how much food you take in. Ask a nutritionist or a trainer at the gym how many calories you should be taking in daily. When you eat less calories than the amount of calories you burn at the gym, you'll see results in no time.

6. Keep Motivated.

Lastly, you'll have to keep motivated. It's easy to quit and just give up. Progress won't come right away. It takes a lot of effort and pain. Nothing ever worth having comes easy. You have to remain focused, disciplined and motivated if you will be able to reach your goal. Just remain persistent and never give-up.

I never gave up. And it did me wonders.

  Jet Luga

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