Justin Bieber Beats Out Elton John on Highest Certified Singles List

He has been topping the charts since his start in the business and now Justin Bieber has beat out Elton John on the highest certified-singles list.

According to Billboard, Justin Bieber recently went twelve times platinum, beating out John's double-sided "Candle in the Wind/Something About the Way You Look Tonight," which was previously number one when it went eleven times platinum in 1997.

Keeping up with the times, the Recording Industry Association of America made a recent change to it's gold and platinum success process, now deeming that 100 on-demand streams is equal to one download.

So, although Elton's tune sold a whopping 33 million copies, the Biebs was able to pull ahead by selling 3.9 million copies and combining that with over 857 million views on Vevo.

  Jeff Tavelli

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