Seriously? This should be a crime or something right? No woman should look this good four days after giving birth. Must be a freak of nature or someone who really really loves to go to the gym.
Norwegian soccer wife and fitness blogger Caroline Berg Eriksen, posted a selfie of herself, wearing bra-and-panties and rocking a flat-stomach just four days after giving birth. Her 245,000 Instagram followers reacted positively to this picture but there were other critics who reacted negatively.
"This is not a selfie. This is an act of war," writes one Australian blogger in response to the image posted. "This whole situation has become ludicrous. The competition for women to give birth and then immediately remove any trace from their their bodies that they ever carried a child is OBSCENE. There is no other word for it." Is what another blogger said.
She's the latest to the post-baby body trend that's been popularized by Kate Middleton, Snooki and Maria Kang. Any comments about this?