Mosaic Wine Bottle

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Empty wine bottle, labels removed, washed and dried
Scrapbook paper in two different patterns
Americana Crystal Gloss Enamel paint
Gloss Mod Podge

Choose a color paint that coordinates with your scrapbook paper. Crystal Gloss Enamels dry where you can see through them.

Paint the bottle with one even coat of Crystal Gloss Enamel paint. Set aside to dry.

Cut scrapbook paper into 1-inch squares. To make the paper easier to apply, dip it into water and place on a paper towel. Moistening the paper will soften it up, allowing it to "grab" the curve of the bottle. Apply Mod Podge to a small section of the bottle. Paint a small amount of Mod Podge to the back of a scrapbook square and press onto the bottle. Repeat all over the bottle, varying the different patterned papers randomly.

When all papers have been applied to the bottle, use Mod Podge to give the entire thing a generous, but not dripping top coat.
Allow bottle to dry completely.

  Janet Urciuoli

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