Nazis on a Laptop - OMG Dudes Hitler Just Liked My Facebook Status

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- Hitler joined NSDAP.
- Hitler posted a new status; ''Became Reichskanzler, yay!''.
- Hitler invited you to join NSDAP.
- Hitler invited you to support ''Club house Auschwitz''.
- Hitler liked ''Mein kampf''.
- Hitler liked ''Richard Wagner''.
- Hitler disliked ''Israel''.
- Hitler liked ''Final solution''.
- Hitler disliked ''Poland''.
- Hitler became friend with Josef Stalin.
- Hitler disliked ''Winston Churchill''.
- Hitler posted a new status; ''Took a vacation in Paris, enjoyed ze Wehrmacht parade''.
- Hitler posted a new status; ''Barbarossa? I know nothing''.
- Hitler defriended Josef Stalin.
- Hitler posted a new status; ''I LIED!''.
- Hitler disliked ''Invasion of Normandy plan''.
- Hitler disliked ''City of Stalingrad''.
- Hitler posted a new status; ''Sitting in bunker with Eva.. might end it soon''.
- Hitler passed away, 30th april, 1945.

  funny stewie

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