Paige and Harry - Harry Styles Love Story

You came home from a rough day at work and as soon as you walk in you see Harry sitting on the couch on the computer and Harry’s face is full of rage.

You: Whats the matter babe?”you ask with a worried look on your face

Harry: Oh Nothingg just that my girlfriends a cheating whore!!!

*you start crying right bout now because that reallly offend you*

You:What the hell are you talking about i never cheated on you!!!!

Harry: then explain this …..

*then he shows you a picture on twitter of you hugging a guy*

You: Thats my cousin!!!

Harry: Oh yeah suree…

You: i thought you trusted me !!!

Harry: I thought i did too !

You: Harry im telling you the honest truth, thats my cousin Dylan , he was in the Army and he came to London and i saw him at Starbucks, soo i of cours i hugged him !

*then you stormed upstairs and start packing your stuff *

Harry: Where r u going?!?!

You: Anywhere but a place where im being accused of cheating and being a whore!

* you go outside and sit on the porch and call Niall Horan *

Niall: Hello?

You: Hey its me, can u come get me

Niall: Paige, Why r u crying ????

You: ill tell you later … just please come get me

* Niall showed up and came and got you and drove what seemed like forever to go to his house*

Niall: Soo Paige what happend ?

You: Harry saw a picture on twitter and i was hugging my cousin and he dosent believe me that was my cousin….

Niall: Oh… Sorry welll umm i know what can make you feel better!!

You: What??

Niall: umm Hold on just a sec i gotta go to the store.. and do you need to borrow clothes while ur here ?

You: Yeah can i?

Niall: Yes look through the closet in my room

You: Niall, Thanks …… for everything

Niall: No problem ;)

*Niall left and you went to his closet and picked out a sweatshirt that had a Ireland flag on it and it was huge on you *

**Then you checked your phone and see a text from Niall saying hes almost there**

***Once Niall came he brought a rose ,chocolate , and your favorite movie ***

You: Thanks!! ur the best!!

Niall:Your welcome soo lets watch the movie

* You guys are about 20 mins. into the movie and your phone starts to ring its Harry*

Niall: Who is it?

You: Harry

Niall: Then answer it he might want you back!! i dont care if i love you hes perfect for you and your perfect for him !!

**You were in shock . He never told you he loved you before. You missed the call because of how much of shock you were in .**

You: You Love…Me?

Niall: Yeah ever since i saw your beautiful face but none of that matters just call Harry back

*** you went outside to talk to harry ***

Harry: Babe please take me back! i was stupid and foolish for not belivieng you. i should of trusted you. im sooo sooo sorry please take me back!! ill do anything !!

You:I guess but only if you dont jump to conclusions next time, just talk to me.

Harry: here im coming to get you right now

You: okay love you

Harry: Love you too

*as soon as you got off the phone with harry, it started raining, so you went back inside*

Niall: What did he say?

You: were back together

Niall: oh cool…. soo i guess see you later

You: umm yeah…. bye

** Harry came and you ran in the rain and jumped and you guys kissed passiontley for what seemed like forever then Niall walked out and saw**

Niall: bye!

Harry: bye

Then you and harry live happy and dont fight no more and you never told anyone how niall liked you. and you guys are best friends

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Justine Love

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