PewDiePie Plays Sega Seaman - MY SEAMAN CAN TALK!

Geez, getting this game to properly function was a lot of work. Seaman was only released for the Sega Dreamcast in Japan & US. So I first ordered an american version of the game along with an american Dreamcast on Ebay. But even with a voltage converter the console fried right away. :( (RIP) So I ordered a new one from Italy and instead burnt the ISO on a CD-R and to my surprise it finally worked! :D I skipped the first level stage of Seaman since he doesn't speak in the beginning, or better put "communicates". The way he is "born" is awesome though, but I won´t spoil it. :) I recommend picking this game up if you get the chance, it's a beauty! I mean just look at his face...

  Stewart Ferguson

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