You don't need to leave your home to enjoy this popular coffee drink. This espresso is sweetened with vanilla syrup and then drizzled with caramel sauce.
14 oz. reduced fat, 2% or whole milk
2 T. vanilla syrup (Ghirardelli Caramel Flavored Sauce is amazing)
2 oz. espresso (any coffee bean can make espresso, like Starbucks Espresso Coffee Beans or the coffee beans you have at home)
caramel sauce, to drizzle
Prepare espresso using a macchinetta, a moka pot and electric frother or espresso machine. (You can use a very strong regular coffee, but you’ll need to double the amount: use 4 oz instead of 2).
While espresso is being made, warm up the milk; froth the milk using a milk frother, but If you don’t have a milk frother, use a regular whisk. Just whisk the milk until foam forms. Pour the espresso into a mug.
Add vanilla and milk to the cup; pour espresso on top of the frothy milk creating a “mark” on the foam. (Macchiato means “marked” in Italian).
Drizzle the caramel on top. Starbucks makes 2 circles around the edges of the cup and then a grate pattern in the middle.
1 serving.