Sarah Hyland & Ashley Tisdale - Sirius Radio Run-In

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Sarah Hyland hugs it out with Ashley Tisdale at the Sirius XM studios in New York City on Tuesday morning.

“Cosmo at SiriusXM @heartcalgon #callmecrazy #scarymovie5 ahhh!!!” Sarah tweeted.

JJJ caught up with Sarah later in the afternoon and chatted with her about her Call Me Crazy: A Five Film short.

“[Lifetime] asked me to be a part of it, and Jennifer Aniston was producing as well as a whole bunch of other amazing people. I was just really excited that they wanted me to be a part of it. It brings education to such a great cause,” she told us.

Sarah added, “There’s such a stigma to mental illness, and I think this movie is really great because it brings a life to it that you normally don’t see. In this industry it’s seen as criminal or funny characters that are crazy, so this brings a humanity to it. Hopefully people take away a lot of knowledge from this movie. Melissa Leo plays my bi-polar mom and she is so good. I’m really excited to see it.”


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