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Have you watched this hilarious Asian romantic comedy film? If not, then head to the nearest DVD rental store and rent this movie so you and your family/lover can watch it!

Seducing Mr. Perfect or also known as Seducing Mr. Robin is a south Korean film that was released on December 2006. The main characters are played by Korean stars Uhm Jung-hwa as Min Joon and American-Korean actor Daniel Henney as Robin Heiden.

The story is about the hopeless romantic Min Joon as she struggles with her latest break-up. She has always been overly dedicated to each of her boyfriends (to the point where the guys feel like their caged) but they all seem to leave her in the end.

Robin on the other hand, is a cynic and believes that love is all about power and games. This was due to a trauma of his past relationship where he got his scar from a bullet wound. He advices Min Joon to change her outlooks about love and life (Robin is Min Joon's boss).

When the two collides, Min Joon has decided to follow Robin's outlook about love and life. The catch is, she should NEVER fall in love with Mr.Perfect.

  Katherine Bridgerton

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