Simplifying Right And Wrong
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What is right and what is wrong? If you throw this question around aimlessly you'll only get various answers and some might even border philosophy. But if you ask the question in the right place and at the right time, then you'll get a clear cut answer. First let us ask this question in a totalitarian government or country, let's say North Korea or China for that matter. Most assuredly the answers you'll get will infuriate you over the amount of human rights violations and the suppression of justice, equality and liberty that the governing bodies in such countries does to their own people.
Now let us try to ask the same question in free and democratic countries like France or Australia or the United States...wait what?! Something is terribly wrong here! According to President Abraham Lincoln "Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people," but the US government has been caught with its pants down repeatedly when people like Daniel Ellseberg, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden exposes its dirty little secrets - secrets that in fact harm and possibly target US citizens for termination. Shouldn't the definition of "right" be what is in the best interest of the American public or any other democratic populace for that matter? Then why are there evil companies like Monsanto poisoning the people's food supply? And why is the government passing laws to protect this company? Why is the United States engaging wars where civilians has the most to lose? Why is the government spying on its own citizens?
Under the secrecy laws of America, indeed these men are definitely guilty of such laws, but probably not treason. It is not treason to tell the truth when the truth is that the government is secretly conspiring to oppress its own people.