That's All The Motivation I'll Need Son

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Despite Jack Nicholson being the great actor that he is has never been so funny in this meme, even though I wish he was in a comedy movie that have catchy punchlines like this one. This meme actually reflects the darker side of life especially when people are willing to do anything for an incentive, which in this case is job security or money. Whether it's sex for money, kill someone for money, rob people for money and all those bad vices for a good amount of cash.

This has led to a lot of debates and even though sometimes we make it more colorful when criticizing actions like these, it really doesn't take away the fact that it deteriorates our humanity in the process. Hopefully people will actually realize the moral of the joke and not just laugh even though it's hilarious to say "give me money and I'll do shit for you." Perhaps when we are wiser and better things will change.

  Marlon Dequito

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