The Rains of Castamere: The Darkest Day for Game of Thrones’ Fans

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June 2, Sunday when “The Rains of Castamere”, the penultimate and most brutal episode of Season Three of HBO’s phenomenal series, Game of Thrones was released, kicking in the head and splashing acid to every fan’s hearts.

An adaptation of the Red Wedding from the Storms and Swords, it is by far the most terrorizing, the most remorseless, and the most heart-wrenching episode this side of character-killing spree by equally phenomenal (not to mention, heart-breaking) author, George RR Martin.

The episode initially treated us to a number of developments. Jon Snow faced his first test of loyalty to Tormund’s wilding party, which he failed, before killing Orell (at some point, we all knew Orell will die, do we?). Bran Stark, meanwhile, gave a show of his warg talents by entering Hodor’s mind and calming him (the gentle giant continously yelled out of thunder-fright, giving away their location to Tormund’s group); and by entering Summer and Shaggydog’s mind to aid Jon. Daenerys Targaryen successfully took a castle (with no less help from the arrogant Daario Naharis and his swag). Also, Samwell Tarly giggled from Gilly’s complement, calling him a wizard (we all know it is his ultimate dream to become one).

But the epic point of the episode (and also the sole reason why everyone is in post-traumatic stress disorder), is the wedding between Edmure and Roslin Frey, accompanied by Robb Stark (who gave an apology to Lord Walder Frey), his pregnant wife, Talisa (who received hefty insults from Lord Frey), and the beaming Catelyn.

The wedding started pretty well, offering fall sense of security with an ambiance of dramatic joy, music, and merriment. But then things went gloomy and stark (no pun intended) when, after the newlyweds were escorted outside for the “bedding”, Black Walder Frey closed the banquet hall doors and the musicians began playing their murder-song “The Rains of Castamere”, before lunging on the orchestrated killing-spree, specifically starting with Talesa, with Lothar stabbing her stomach. Robb then received a shower of arrows, and Catelyn got a few on her back. And the rest of the party were treated with the same genocide.

But perhaps the most moving part was when Catelyn, in a desperate attempt to save Robb, took Walder's young wife for a hostage and pleaded to negotiate to allow her son to leave. Expectedly, this failed as Walder doesn’t give a single damn for his wife. Roose Bolton, another turncoat/traidor, stabbed the still heartbroken Robb in the heart (“The Lannisters send their regards) not long before her mother killed Walder’s wife. Catelyn then got murder-slashed in the neck as the episode unforgivably faded to a songless closing credits. The fans then continued to stare in their televisions/monitors for the next 30 minutes in disbelief and heart-break and still traumatized as of this writing.


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