Walking Corpse Syndrome

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What if you thought you were a zombie? A being with no brain, that can't eat, talk, smell or speak? For people who possess Cotard's syndrome, this is exactly what happens.

A man, identified only as Graham in an interview with New Scientist recounted how he felt like his brain died after a failed attempt at suicide.

"I just felt like my brain didn't exist anymore," Graham told the magazine "I kept on telling the doctors that the tablets weren't going to do me any good, because I didn't have a brain. I'd fried it in the bath."

Graham tried to kill himself using electrocution in his bathtub but failed. Since then, Graham has experienced what is called Cotard's syndrome, a psychiatric condition where patients believe that they've lost some organs or even their own soul.

After some lab tests and scans of his brain, doctors and scientists discovered the astounding reason behind it. Graham's brain activity was that of a person sleeping or in a coma. Even though he's awake, his brain isn't.

Doctors hope to learn more about this rare case and meanwhile, Graham takes medication and therapy to help in his recovery.

  Katherine Bridgerton

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