Why Cristiano Ronaldo refuses to get tattoos

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Sports players and fans alike love showing their enthusiasm for their games through getting a tattoo. Portugal superstar, Cristiano Ronaldo, is not one of them though.

A lot of people think of him as an arrogant pretty boy, but Portugal's main man actually has a golden heart.

Twice a year, the Real Madrid star donates blood. Although having tattoos does not necessarily prevent someone from donating blood, it can still hinder a person's legibility in some countries due to fear of blood contamination or Hepatitis.

In a world where a player's body is expected to be inked so much, it's nice to see someone with no tattoos at all (with all due respect to those who do have them) - more so if one of the reason is because of blood donation which saves millions of lives.

  Katherine Bridgerton

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