Hot Dog and Potato Hash

Hot Dog and Potato Hash

Recipes  BBQ and grilling  Kid-friendly  Main Dish  Meal ideas  Quick and Easy 


Do you have a lot of leftover hot dogs from a BBQ? Just want a new, quick recipe to try? Hot dog and potato hash is quick and easy. You'll be surprised at hot good it is. Make as directed or add seasonings and spices as desired.


1 stick butter
1/4 c. olive oil
5 medium Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and diced
1 pkg. hot dogs, sliced (straight from package or leftover and cooked)
1 medium yellow onion, diced
salt and pepper, to taste
ketchup, optional


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In a large skillet, melt butter; add olive oil. Add potatoes, hot dog slices and onions. Sauté on low to medium heat, stirring often, until potatoes and onions are cooked and browned, as desired. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.

The butter and olive oil combination helps it to brown up nicely.

Serve with ketchup, if desired.

4-6 servings.

Prep Time

Cook Time